5 Common Causes of Bad Breath and 11 Natural Ways To Fight Bad Breath.

5 Common Causes of Bad Breath You Should Know
Bad Breath #1.Bacteria
You should blame the bacteria for bad breath inside your mouth. It lives between your teeth and on your tongue. It can multiply and releases stinky odors.

Bad Breath #2.Halitosis
In your tonsils, there is a deep hole called the crypts and causing halitosis. This hole collects a cheese-like smell and causing bad breath.
Bad Breath #3.Food
Especially the pungent foods such as onion, fish and garlic. It can cause bad breath.
Bad Breath #4.Poor hygiene.
If you like to smoke, chewing tobacco and eating a lot but forgot to brush your teeth, a bad breath is your best companion.
Bad Breath #5.Tummy troubles.
Sometimes you burp and then gas is released. It is a type of bad breath that caused by tummy troubles.
bad breath
11 Natural Ways To Fight Bad Breath
Don’t worry because all illness or health problem has a cure. This is your list of how to fight a bad breath naturally.
  1. Remove your dentures at night and clean it regularly to remove the bacterial buildup from the food and drinks that you have every day.
  2. Drink a lot of water and brush your teeth every morning.
  3. Do not forget to brush your teeth after every meal. Flossing is a good method too and you can do it twice a day.
  4. Bacteria maybe accumulate in your toothbrush so please replace it every 3 months.
  5. Get your teeth checkup regularly.
  6. Don’t just brush your teeth but clean your tongue too.
  7. Natural remedies like cloves, fennel seeds, and mint leave can be chew because it has the antiseptic properties to control bad breath.
  8. Lemon and orange can be your natural mouth freshener by stimulating the salivary glands and fight bad breath. So eat your lemon and orange.
  9. Chlorophyll in fresh sprig of parsley, basil, and cilantro can neutralize mouth odors.
  10. Make your own mouth gargle by mixing a cup or water, a teaspoon of baking soda and 3 drops of peppermint essential oil. It has antibacterial properties and it is safe to use it daily.
  11. Stop smoking or chewing tobacco. It’s bad for your health and bad for your mouth.

1 comment:

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